• This course is designed for those who have completed the introductory tarot course and who want to delve deeper into the tarot. It is suited to those who are in professional practice and this course improves your working knowledge of the tarot in a fun atmosphere. As our teaching methods are quite specific, it is not possible to attend this course until you have completed the introductory tarot course. It also offers telephone reading techniques and a demonstration telephone tarot reading using a speaker-phone. In this way students can hear both sides of the conversation as they watch the reading unfold. Course brochure.
  • Hypnosis is a useful tool for stress management, relaxation, problem solving and for the introduction of new and positive beliefs about life. It offers a powerful method for introducing positive beliefs and attitudes to life. Personal one-hour hypnosis sessions with Paul.
  • This gift voucher is for a full course with Paul Fenton-Smith. The recipient can choose between learning Palmistry, basic or advanced Tarot card reading or psychic development. These fun courses offer a chance to learn new skills with like-minded people in a supportive atmosphere. Gift vouchers are also available for personal readings, distance readings, private lessons, courses and CDs. These are perfect gifts for someone who is pursuing personal spiritual development. All vouchers are valid for 12 months from the purchase date.
  • This advanced astrology book focusses on the moon's nodes and how they relate to life themes and soul-purpose. It includes a simple north nodes chart for the past 95 years. All you need is a person's date of birth as the nodes only change sign every 18 months. By understanding the north and south nodes in a person's chart, it's possible to understand what that individual will struggle with and what approaches to life will change from childhood to maturity.
  • This distance astrological reading explains your character, your personality traits, interests and your innate talents using your birth chart. It also briefly covers the next 12 months to highlight what you can expect in opportunities and in opposition to your goals and plans. The reading includes two birth chart wheels and a transits chart wheel with your emailed recording.
  • An astrology chart is a simple map of the heavens when you were born. Natal or birth charts are useful for understanding your character, your talents and your basic lessons this life time. This printed chart includes 15 - 20 pages of text and two colour printed chart wheels in a slimline folder. If you opt for the email version, it's a quick turnaround (usually 48 hours) with a PDF of the full text and colour chart wheel images.    
  • This powerful and insightful reading provides a chance to glimpse the circumstances or events that have shaped your life attitudes. During a Tracings origins reading, if you describe a fear, issue or negative habit, Paul can usually trace back to an event or a series of events that have caused or contributed to your current issue. This can provide a starting point for healing and finding a way back to the life you want. It can provide a kick-start to freeing you from the negative consequences of past events.
  • How do we become like an upright card if we’ve been reversed for a long time? By understanding the fundaments of each tarot suit, it’s possible to reveal strategies for turning a reversed life around. It also helps to know that meditation doesn’t usually work for energetic Wands’ people. Likewise, learning a martial art doesn’t necessarily suit a creative cups person. In this 90-minute Zoom session, Paul reveals a simple method for understanding reversed cards in tarot layouts sometimes indicate a reversed life. He also reveals ways to unlock the person's positive qualities according to their tarot suit. Why not join us to continue your tarot journey with like-minded people. Date: Sunday February the 4th, 2024.
  • In astrology charts, the north node points to underlying themes and life lessons. By discovering where your life is heading, you can reduce unconscious resistance to inner transformation and enjoy the journey. In this illuminating workshop, Paul reveals the 12 north node paths, giving examples of struggles on those routes and the joy that awaits us when we arrive at our new life perspectives. It includes a chart for the north nodes for 100 years, so that you can easily identify your own direction and the paths of friends and family members from their birth dates. Why not join us to discover your life direction and the directions of your friends and family, exploring astrology with like-minded people.
  • Are you a sponge for the negative emotions of others? Do friends seek you out when they need to unburden themselves? Then it’s time to spiritually clean and protect yourself if you want enough energy for your own life. This brief exploration provides a range of simple spiritual cleansing techniques that are portable, effective and rejuvenating. They’ll help you to sleep better, to awaken feeling refreshed, relaxed and revitalised for the day ahead. Regular cleansing improves focus and physical vitality for life. In this 90-minute Zoom course Paul reveals the importance of personal spiritual cleansing. Why not join us to discover how to improve focus through spiritual cleansing and rebalancing techniques with like-minded people.
  • Is someone searching for you? Is there a person out there lying awake at night, yearning for your company? How will you find each other? If you do discover each other, will both of you be prepared for the love of your lives? To be ready when love arrives, it’s important to resolve issues from your past, realise what you offer a relationship partner and expand your heart for love. Based on Paul’s best-selling book Finding Your Soul Mate, this 90-minute Zoom session provides clues to what’s holding you back from love. Is it time for you to find someone to pair your steps in life?  
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