• We are all spiritual masters in the making. Imagine having no past to weigh you down or call you back for resolution. Instead of being hampered by earlier emotional and spiritual issues, it is possible to proceed steadily towards your goals with a profound sense of purpose. This story is one person’s journey about where we might go after death. Although the body dies, the spirit lives on to continue a longer passage home. It reveals a glimpse of that voyage and outlines some of the preparations that can be made for the most important passage we will attempt. It evokes memories of the spiritual purpose underlying physical existence based on a quest to uncover a hidden, deeper purpose to life.
  • This tarot DVD offers a simple introduction to the ancient art of tarot reading. Based on more than 20 years experience, this engaging and insightful guide to tarot reading is both practical and realistic.

    Including footage of a variety of actual readings, Discover the Tarot offers tips on

    • developing your own intuition.
    • how to word your questions for increased accuracy.
    • the importance of cleansing yourself after each reading.
    • the shuffling and card reversal process.
    • games for psychic development
  • Private coaching sessions are a great way to strengthen skills, map out a path to personal goals or simply overcome weaker areas. It's possible to tailor coaching sessions to your needs, focussing precisely on the areas that need attention. Paul offers personal and telephone coaching sessions in
    • writing - from product descriptions for your website to short biographies, press releases and whole books.
    • mapping out practical steps to make creative goals real.
    • improving tarot reading skills.
    • strengthening personal intuition.
    • building and maintaining a creative business.
    • designing, writing and producing correspondence courses.
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