• You can learn to read the tarot in your own time and in the comfort of your own home. This introductory course includes everything you need to begin your journey of self discovery with the tarot. It is suitable for beginners who want to discover the ancient mysteries of tarot card reading and is based on Paul's best-selling book, The Tarot Revealed.
  • This full colour book includes 99 charts and illustrations and provide a clear, simple guide to intuitive development. Well developed intuition can help you to achieve success in love, career and in your social life. Discover the closely guarded secrets of a professional clairvoyant through games and exercises as you learn these powerful psychic techniques.
  • Learn in comfort and at your own pace. Paul offers private lessons for students who want to improve their intuitive skills, tarot accuracy or proficiency in palmistry. These are offered in Epping or on Skype, FaceTime or Zoom for distance students. Private lessons are perfect for individuals who have attended a course or read one of Paul's books and want to build confidence to read for others. Private lessons last 50 minutes each and they are tailored to your needs.
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