• A distance tarot reading allows you to clarify your issues from the convenience of your home or office, using Skype, FaceTime or Zoom. A 30-minute reading includes a general reading and up to four clear questions. Sessions are recorded and your recording link is emailed within 24 hours. This gift certificate is valid for 12 months from purchase date and the recording is emailed to your recipient, usually within 24 hours. Digital gift certificates are usually emailed within a few hours of receipt of order. You can include the recipient's name in the Notes section when purchasing so that it appears on the Gift Certificate.
  • This Pure Clairvoyance reading includes a personal reading of 50 minutes and a pre-reading meditation. During the meditation Paul contacts the client’s higher-self to ask two specific questions. Clients list their pre-reading questions when booking the reading. During the personal reading Paul reveals what was gleaned in meditation and then clients can ask questions face to face. Each time the client asks a new question, Paul allows the client's higher-self to provide an answer. In this way, the spiritual part of the client that knows the answers can respond to the question directly and in detail.
  • Palmistry offers a whole-life reading, revealing inherited qualities and opportunities ahead. During these distance readings, Paul uses digital photographs of your hands to analyse the fingers, mounts, lines and unusual signs. A surprising amount of detail is available provided the supplied photos are clear. The analysis includes a 30 page report with arrows highlighting unique lines and signs in your hand and descriptive text covering past and future events in your life. Although it’s not as detailed as a personal reading, at around half the cost, it’s a great way to see what your hands reveal about you. Your report is emailed to you, usually within 24 hours, provided the photos you supply are clear. If not, more images will be requested to give you the clearest reading possible.
  • This powerful and insightful reading provides a chance to glimpse the circumstances or events that have shaped your life attitudes. During a Tracings origins reading, if you describe a fear, issue or negative habit, Paul can usually trace back to an event or a series of events that have caused or contributed to your current issue. This can provide a starting point for healing and finding a way back to the life you want. It can provide a kick-start to freeing you from the negative consequences of past events.
  • An astrology chart is a simple map of the heavens when you were born. Natal or birth charts are useful for understanding your character, your talents and your basic lessons this life time. This printed chart includes 15 - 20 pages of text and two colour printed chart wheels in a slimline folder. If you opt for the email version, it's a quick turnaround (usually 48 hours) with a PDF of the full text and colour chart wheel images.    
  • This distance astrological reading explains your character, your personality traits, interests and your innate talents using your birth chart. It also briefly covers the next 12 months to highlight what you can expect in opportunities and in opposition to your goals and plans. The reading includes two birth chart wheels and a transits chart wheel with your emailed recording.
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