• Preparing for future opportunities can ensure that you make the very most of an opening for advancement, happiness or success. This is the perfect reading for when you need inspiration and focus to move forward. Don’t leave your destiny to chance. This 50-60-minute whole-life reading examines past options, both pursued and ignored, current openings for growth and happiness plus future opportunities to prepare for. After all, there’s no point of knowing the future unless you’re prepared for it when it arrives.
  • Discover when your next major love relationship is likely to arrive. Will you be ready? Signs of important future partnerships already exist in the lines on your hands, if you know where to look. Significant relationships are shown in three areas of our hands. These include the Life line, the Fate line and Relationship lines. It is inspiring to know when your days of being loved by another person are not over. It’s also motivating to prepare for when love arrives. In this 90-minute Zoom session, Paul reveals how to identify love relationships, both past and future opportunities in your hands. Why not join us to begin or continue your palmistry journey with like-minded people.
  • Tarot / Clairvoyant readings are specific, short-term readings, covering the past two years, the present and up to the next two years. They are best suited to clear questions about love relationships, career, health, travel, financial investments and children. After a general reading covering the past, the present and the future, you can ask up to five specific questions. Paul can help you to carefully word your questions for increased accuracy if required.  
  • The Fate line on your palms reveals career openings, new sources of income and eventual success with vocation. Your hands also divulge the most suitable career directions for personal fulfilment. This fast-paced Zoom course demonstrates how to date events and changes on the Fate line and gauge when new careers or income streams are likely to occur. It is very helpful when preparing for approaching opportunities. Don’t look back with regret in old age. Instead, consult the map of your life for clarity on career options.
  • A unique map of your life is in your hands. By understanding your natural talents, developed skills and when opportunities are likely to arrive, you can make the most of openings for success. This workshop covers the basics of palmistry, an ancient map of human potential. Paul has been studying hand reading since 1978 and teaching this ancient study since 1981. His book Palmistry Revealed includes 100 colour photographs plus 100 line-drawings to clarify each point. Handouts for this workshop include colour charts of the mounts of the hands and the main lines and a brief summary of each of the mounts.
  • In tarot sessions, many clients ask about personal health. Although tarot readers cannot diagnose, they can suggest medical and alternative professionals who can help. Sometimes wellbeing issues are likely in the future, so it helps to know what parts of the body cards signify in health readings, even when a client is currently fine. Being prepared also helps maintain fitness and vitality. This workshop includes demonstration readings and a group exercise to identify possible health meanings for individual cards. In this 90-minute Zoom session, Paul reveals different ways to identify individual card meanings in health questions. Why not join us to continue your tarot journey with like-minded people.
  • This powerful and insightful reading provides a chance to glimpse the circumstances or events that have shaped your life attitudes. During a Tracings origins reading, if you describe a fear, issue or negative habit, Paul can usually trace back to an event or a series of events that have caused or contributed to your current issue. This can provide a starting point for healing and finding a way back to the life you want. It can provide a kick-start to freeing you from the negative consequences of past events.
  • This distance astrological reading explains your character, your personality traits, interests and your innate talents using your birth chart. It also briefly covers the next 12 months to highlight what you can expect in opportunities and in opposition to your goals and plans. The reading includes two birth chart wheels and a transits chart wheel with your emailed recording.
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