• A telephone or Skype tarot reading allows you to clarify your issues from the convenience of your home or office. A 30 minute reading includes a general reading and up to four questions, while a 45 minute reading includes up to six questions. It's the perfect choice if you live overseas or are travelling and need help with a decision.
  • A telephone, Skype or Facetime tarot reading allows you to clarify your issues from the convenience of your home or office. A 45 minute reading includes a general reading and up to six questions. It's the perfect choice if you have lots of questions or a complex issue that might require several questions before you've explored all options.
  • Palmistry offers a whole-life reading, revealing inherited qualities and opportunities ahead. During these distance readings, Paul uses digital photographs of your hands to analyse the fingers, mounts, lines and unusual signs. A surprising amount of detail is available provided the supplied photos are clear. The analysis includes a 30 page report with arrows highlighting unique lines and signs in your hand and descriptive text covering past and future events in your life. Although it’s not as detailed as a personal reading, at around half the cost, it’s a great way to see what your hands reveal about you. Your report is emailed to you, usually within 24 hours, provided the photos you supply are clear. If not, more images will be requested to give you the clearest reading possible.
  • Learn in comfort and at your own pace. Paul offers private lessons for students who want to improve their intuitive skills, tarot accuracy or proficiency in palmistry. These are offered in Epping or on Skype, FaceTime or Zoom for distance students. Private lessons are perfect for individuals who have attended a course or read one of Paul's books and want to build confidence to read for others. Private lessons last 50 minutes each and they are tailored to your needs.
  • Tarot / Clairvoyant readings are specific, short-term readings, covering the past two years, the present and up to the next two years. They are best suited to clear questions about love relationships, career, health, travel, financial investments and children. After a general reading covering the past, the present and the future, you can ask up to five specific questions. Paul can help you to carefully word your questions for increased accuracy if required.  
  • This powerful and insightful reading doesn't rely on tarot cards, palms, astrology or numerology, just pure clairvoyance. During your 50 minute reading Paul will sit with you, quietly examining images from your past, the present and your future. He’ll detail major life events, and describe important people and situations, often giving your age when events will occur.
  • A distance reading by phone or on screen allows you to clarify your issues from the convenience of your home or office. A one-hour reading includes a general reading and up to eight questions. It's the perfect choice if you have lots of questions or complex issues that might require several questions each, before you've explored all options. Your recording link is emailed to you within 48 hours.
  • This full colour book includes 99 charts and illustrations and provide a clear, simple guide to intuitive development. Well developed intuition can help you to achieve success in love, career and in your social life. Discover the closely guarded secrets of a professional clairvoyant through games and exercises as you learn these powerful psychic techniques.
  • This advanced tarot guide is for people who want to make sense of layouts and help clients to carefully word questions for improved accuracy. It's a comprehensive book and at 556 pages, Advanced Tarot provides a clear guide for beginners and experienced tarot readers. If you want to improve your vision of the future, make sense of the court cards in layouts or tie cards together to form clear stories, Advanced Tarot is the book you need. Advanced Tarot is destined to become the go-to reference for readers who value clarity when giving meaningful predictions.
  • You can learn to read the tarot in your own time and in the comfort of your own home. This introductory course includes everything you need to begin your journey of self discovery with the tarot. It is suitable for beginners who want to discover the ancient mysteries of tarot card reading and is based on Paul's best-selling book, The Tarot Revealed.
  • An astrology chart is a simple map of the heavens when you were born. Natal or birth charts are useful for understanding your character, your talents and your basic lessons this life time. To erect a natal chart your date, time and location of birth are required and if you don't have an accurate time of birth a Solar chart can be erected. A solar chart is a chart set for the time of sunrise and although it is not as accurate as a natal chart, it still offers worthwhile insights into character and your nature. A transits chart offers insight into the coming year ahead, revealing the opportunities and the obstacles ahead, allowing you to prepare for them. A Synastry chart offers insight into relationships such as love relationships or a parent and child relationship. This chart reveals the likely opportunities and frustrations within relationships and can offer practical steps toward better communication.
  • Palm readings are full life readings, covering events from childhood to old age. Areas covered include relationships, children, health, career and travel. Any dates given are accurate within 18 months. e.g. if an event is predicted for age 37 it may occur at 36 or 38 years. The maps of your hands reveal your talents, your life experience so far and your likely path in life. Both sides of both hands are read, along with the fingers, fingernails, lines mounts and thumbs. A session lasts an hour and includes a recording of the reading for later reference. See Paul's video description of what palm reading provide.
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