• Tarot / Clairvoyant readings are specific, short-term readings, covering the past two years, the present and up to the next two years. They are best suited to clear questions about love relationships, career, health, travel, financial investments and children. After a general reading covering the past, the present and the future, you can ask up to five specific questions. Paul can help you to carefully word your questions for increased accuracy if required.  
  • This powerful and insightful reading provides a chance to glimpse the circumstances or events that have shaped your life attitudes. During a Tracings origins reading, if you describe a fear, issue or negative habit, Paul can usually trace back to an event or a series of events that have caused or contributed to your current issue. This can provide a starting point for healing and finding a way back to the life you want. It can provide a kick-start to freeing you from the negative consequences of past events.
  • Generally, in a woman’s chart, the type of man she’s attracted too can be identified by where Mars is placed in her chart. In a man’s chart his preferred partner can be revealed by where the planet Venus is placed in his chart. In this fun introduction to astrology, Paul shows how to identify partner preferences by Venus and Mars in charts. Why not join us to discover your attractions in life, exploring astrology with like-minded people.
  • This reading focuses more on the past than the future, tracing the origins of current issues, fears and personal struggles. It provides glimpses of those circumstances, situations or events that have shaped your life, so that you know where to begin in changing your future. During this reading, Paul highlights your personal strengths, skills and talents and explores ways to improve personal resilience to rebound after setbacks. It’s an opportunity to learn from the past to make the most or every day you have left. Feedback from clients is that they found the specific descriptions of past issues were valuable in accelerating their healing.
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