• Tarot / Clairvoyant readings are specific, short-term readings, covering the past two years, the present and up to the next two years. They are best suited to clear questions about love relationships, career, health, travel, financial investments and children. After a general reading covering the past, the present and the future, you can ask up to five specific questions. Paul can help you to carefully word your questions for increased accuracy if required.  
  • Palmistry offers a whole-life reading, revealing inherited qualities and opportunities ahead. During these distance readings, Paul uses digital photographs of your hands to analyse the fingers, mounts, lines and unusual signs. A surprising amount of detail is available provided the supplied photos are clear. The analysis includes a 30 page report with arrows highlighting unique lines and signs in your hand and descriptive text covering past and future events in your life. Although it’s not as detailed as a personal reading, at around half the cost, it’s a great way to see what your hands reveal about you. Your report is emailed to you, usually within 24 hours, provided the photos you supply are clear. If not, more images will be requested to give you the clearest reading possible.
  • A telephone, Skype or Facetime tarot reading allows you to clarify your issues from the convenience of your home or office. A 45 minute reading includes a general reading and up to six questions. It's the perfect choice if you have lots of questions or a complex issue that might require several questions before you've explored all options.
  • A telephone or Skype tarot reading allows you to clarify your issues from the convenience of your home or office. A 30 minute reading includes a general reading and up to four questions, while a 45 minute reading includes up to six questions. It's the perfect choice if you live overseas or are travelling and need help with a decision.
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